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  • Writer's pictureMichael T. Christensen

Our Wedding Party

On August 28th, our friends and family gathered together to watch us get married - but a few of them stood by our sides as our bridal party! This week we wanted to celebrate them and introduce them to you:


Man of Honor

Victoria met Michael in 2009! Oh my god, was it really that long ago?!

They met at DePaul when she was a Freshman and he was a Sophomore. They bonded over music and having a contagious laugh.

They have been through literally everything with each other, and when Victoria moved to Los Angeles he was already living in the area, and the two were able to continue their friendship.

Who would have known that Victoria and Michael would be the two friends that stuck together through it all? “I’ll be there for you, because you’re there for me too.”


Best Man

Jeffrey met Mike through college, and they went on to live together for an indeterminate amount of time. Truly, nobody can be expected to remember how long ago they started living together, and honestly nobody really know show time works anyway so it hardly matters. It’s been a while.

Jeffrey and Mike have endured many ups and downs over the past 10+ years: car accidents, layoffs, elections and really bad movies named after clown-themed supervillains. Jeffrey’s loyalty is boundless, and he is a true ally to his friends.

You can always count on Jeffrey to be there for you even when you don’t know that you needed him, which is usually when you need him most. He knows the meaning of responsibility to your friends, and he sets the standard for how we should treat others.



Victoria first bonded with Alex Horiat over a few visits to Las Vegas with Michael and Mike, and they quickly became close friends. And while some friendships dwindle in the face of a global pandemic, Alex has been a true, reliable friend.

Alex joined the wedding party during 2020, and she has been very supportive during all of the ups and downs that come with being a bridesmaids during these uncertain times.

While their Las Vegas trips may not have included any Identical Hand Twins, it include great fun and wonderful memories.



Danny met Mike through Liz, Mike’s sister and now Danny’s wife. They got along well when they met, and even better as Danny’s relationship with Liz blossomed.

And then Danny revealed he played Dungeons & Dragons, and he and Mike were off to the races.

Danny is always supportive, and constantly finds new ways to put his crafty skills to work supporting his friends and family. Danny has created multiple fantastic art pieces as gifts, revealing new skills as he crafts objects that Mike has gone on to value and cherish for years.

Danny and Mike play D&D every week, and his positivity and mindfulness are an invaluable addition not just to Mike’s weeks, but to his life. And the happiness he and his family bring Mike’s sister every day always makes Mike so grateful they found each other.



Victoria met Dylinn at Capital Group, Victoria’s second job in Los Angeles. Victoria was tasked with training Dylinn, and they quickly bonded over the... well, okay, we’ll be honest, we can’t describe Capital Group without using words you can’t say on TV. But that experience brought them together!

They love half-price margarita Mondays, Dylinn’s super-cool, super-colorful hair (Victoria is still jealous of it!), and how cool Dylinn is as a person!

Their relationship can best be summed up by the words of Ms. Chanandler Bong: “I’m not great at the advice... can I offer you a sarcastic comment?” Anytime, Dylinn!



Daniel was one of the very first people that Mike met in college, and he made Mike feel incredibly welcome. They lived together for two years, and Daniel was directly responsible for sustaining one of Mike’s nerdy hobbies, as the person who drove him to the comic book shop every week or two. He also introduced Mike to Dungeons & Dragons, and the impact of that cannot be overstated.

Daniel’s joyfulness and enthusiasm made Mike feel welcome, and like he always had someplace he could belong.

More than once, Daniel has given Mike a place to call home. This continued even beyond the time when they lived together, to their lives as two adults who are both just incredibly nerdy fans of board games, movies and comic books.

He also likes video games a lot, if that’s your thing.



Liz and Victoria have a lot in common, including a shared love of Gilmore Girls, Friends, and of course they both think Mike is a pretty big dork but he’s okay I guess.

Liz helped Mike plan his Gilmore Girls-themed proposal and made sure it was a fun, romantic and exciting surprise for Victoria. Mike was planning to have a speaker playing some Gilmore Girls music (one of the “la la” songs), but at Liz’s suggestion he instead brought in a musician to play their song, as their very own troubadour!

Liz wants the very best for Mike and Victoria, and Victoria is looking forward to a bright future of shared family experiences. And one day they’ll sit down and reminisce over their own clip show of Thanksgivings together :)



Victoria hails from a land very far away, someplace world is marvelous and mysterios, with a strange and fantastic export that outsiders only whisper about in reverence: “Chicago-style pizza.”

But Chicago also produced someone exceptional: Andre Morado, a man whose knowledge and peerless skill know no equal. However, he was not recruited for his vast medical knowledge, or for the perspective he brings as someone who has survived more than most could imagine.

Instead, it is his open heart that makes him a perfect recruit for this mission. He welcomed Mike into his family and gave his blessing to Mike and Victoria’s union. And his bonds with Victoria are deep and powerful, as ancient as the land. We will be honored to have him stand by our side for this momentous occasion.



Much like his hero Miles Morales/Spider-Man, Blaise Slaughter is the youngest member of our team, and we are excited to welcome him into our superhero team.

Victoria’s cousin is the star of many terrific Chicago stories - his antics, his attitude, and his enthusiasm are so powerful that they reach across the entire country and into our hearts.

Blaise has a great imagination, and an excited curiosity about the world. He’s been having solo adventures in his hometown, but no superhero crossover event is complete without an adorable young man who can come along and steal the show!

Just as Blaise was delighted when Miles put on his costume and saved the day, we are so excited to see him put on a suit of his own and charm the world with his energy, his adorableness, and his awesomeness.


We hope you've enjoyed meeting our wedding party! These are some of our dearest friends, and we know they'll be an important part of our married life as well.


The Christensens

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